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#1 Customer Data Platform

for WhatsApp Conversational Marketing

Unify data, personalize experiences, and create impactful customer journeys

on the channel,

they use the most.


What Makes Us #1

360 Customer Data

Collect and enrich customer data to deliver impactful engagement.

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Based on Your Business Vertical

Our Missions, Your Impactful Results

1ENGAGE has been a game-changer for DANA. With its easy onboarding process and high security, it has helped us achieve significant cost savings while ensuring a seamless OTP service.
Vincent H. Iswaratioso, Chief Executive Officer



Customer Relationship Management

Customer Data Platform

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- Able to do personalization

- Offer context who customer
are and how to interact with

- Begin with sales process &
built primarily for sales

- Help manage relationship &
interactions with customer

- Pulls data from CDP.
“Better CDP, Better CRM!”

- Underpins the entire customer journey and is built for everyone (marketing, sales,
product, finance, support)

- Store data, anything &
everything about customers

- Unifies all data into a single
customer profile

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+62 881 0100 89955

Sinarmas Land Plaza Tower 1
Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 51, Menteng,

Jakarta Pusat 10340

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